Alpha IC and its employees have always been involved in a wide variety of associations and organizations on a voluntary basis. This is a logical consequence of our understanding of values, to take responsibility, i.e. ultimately to act and operate sustainably. That is why we are very pleased and proud that the Baden-Württemberg Chamber of Architects recently appointed our partner, Michael Dax, to the newly founded "Sustainability" competence team of the Baden-Württemberg Chamber of Architects (AKBW).

Michael Dax is an architect, green building, sustainability and working environments expert in the Alpha IC team and we asked him three questions about his appointment and his voluntary commitment:

1.      You are a DGNB auditor, LEED AP, member of the Federal Foundation for Building Culture and have qualified as a CR manager and climate protection officer. Furthermore, you have been a lecturer for "Basic Knowledge of Sustainable Building" in the E2D master's program at the TH Augsburg for ten years. Recently, the Baden-Württemberg Chamber of Architects appointed you to its "Sustainability" competence. What are your personal motives for volunteering for more sustainability in the real estate industry?

Sustainability is not a state, but a process. Therefore, I personally cannot "stand still" and contribute my knowledge and expertise on various levels. I have complete trust in the Alpha IC team, and this freedom allows me to develop and drive sustainability issues that move us forward together.


2.      Where do you see the biggest levers for achieving the climate targets for the industry with a view to the life cycle?

During project development, in "phase 0" so to speak, because in this early phase the sustainability goals of the project must be defined and anchored in the further course of the project. If implemented consistently, this "red thread" runs through to the completion of the project and is then ideally transferred to sustainable building operation.

3.      Are there any projects that you have been involved in with Alpha IC that make you particularly proud in terms of their sustainability or ESG impact?

We are not allowed to mention the names for confidentiality reasons, but we have developed a specific sustainability strategy for the CREM of two "billion-dollar corporations" and of course our current major project for Alpha IC, the BNB certification of the BiMA property in Berlin.

The Competence Team Sustainability is the largest of the eight newly created Competence Teams of the AKBW. With the new organizational form, it was important to the state board to take up current issues and thus to be able to speak and be effective vis-à-vis politics and society. The first official meeting will take place on June 26 and the competence team will work in four sub-working groups on the topics, Building in Existing Contexts, Climate Protection Act, Climate Change Adaptation and Quality Sustainable Building. AKBW writes: "We are very happy to have external expertise on the team in the person of Michael Dax." And we wish Michael much joy and effectiveness in his new honorary office.

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