Thank you for our work together and Merry Christmas 2023!
Anyone who knows us knows that we embarked on a new path in corporate management and culture seven years ago. This agile organizational structure enables and requires personal responsibility, a willingness to change and interdisciplinarity. We are convinced that this was the right step, especially as we have been very stable through challenging times such as the pandemic and the current real estate crisis. The company's growth to over 80 employees and our aspiration to be pioneers for a future worth living requires us to constantly develop the organization. For example, we are introducing a new project management system, Blue Ant, from January 2024, which will allow us to manage resources in projects across locations and groups. We are also continuing to work on the principle of coaching leadership and have laid the foundations for a company health management and talent management program. Even if the term "transformation" seems a bit outdated, Alpha IC is still right in the middle of it. And that's a good thing, because Heraclitus already knew: "Change is the only constant in the universe."
ESG and sustainability
In the meantime, these topics have become the areas with the highest turnover in our company. Here, too, we are experiencing a major change: from certifier, to sustainability consultant, to ESG manager, to ESG transformer. The majority of our projects consist of making the complexity of the topic manageable for our clients, developing a roadmap and accompanying them on the path to implementation. This has resulted in new service profiles, such as that of the "transformation manager".
Decarbonization and real estate portfolios
The pressure on the real estate portfolio is growing continuously. Projects are changing dramatically and are often expanding to national and international portfolios. Digital applications are indispensable here in order to evaluate real estate data in a targeted manner, use it in consulting and implement it in concrete measures. We have also mastered this transformation together with BEESTATE® and can also carry out sourcing projects for individual properties and real estate "without" data. We want to continue working with you on pragmatic solutions to get concrete measures on the road. More information here.
Markets and customers
In spring 2023, we were all already aware of the challenging market environment in the real estate sector. Project developers in particular are under enormous pressure, which naturally has an impact on our company. Fortunately, our range of services is highly diversified with nine product areas. This has enabled us to deal with this dynamic. We have also used the last few years to place our customer groups on four main pillars. These include institutional portfolio holders, project developers, corporates and the public sector.
Network & partnerships
We are noticing how the competitive situation in the DACH countries is changing. The market is characterized by numerous takeovers. The big players are getting bigger and bigger and the smaller ones are finding it increasingly difficult to adapt to the changing markets. We rely on a healthy network that has also been consolidated at a European level in recent years. Companies like not only have the same mindset, they also help us to offer projects as a whole in a cooperative manner.
From footprint to handprint
It took us a long time to realize that the greatest ecological impact of our company is in consulting itself. In over 400 projects this year, we were able to improve organizations, properties and portfolios and make a significant contribution to combating climate change. In this sense, we have also understood that achieving our own climate neutrality through the purchase of CO2 certificates is not our path. We want to act in a climate-responsible manner and our decision to align our company with the economic model of the Economy for the Common Good and to successfully balance our accounts fits in with this development.
Gerne möchten wir uns bei Ihnen/Euch für die Zusammenarbeit sowie
Begleitung in 2023 bedanken. Gemeinsam haben wir Wirkung erzielt für
Ihre Projekte und unseren Planeten.
Wir schließen mit einem
Foto von der Grundsteinlegung für unser neues Firmengebäude für die
Alpha IC und Serthoro GmbH auf dem Lagarde Campus in Bamberg,
das wir Anfang 2025 beziehen wollen. Wir bauen Lowtech und nachhaltig
und das mitten in Krisenzeiten. Hier stecken wir gerade kleine Symbole
für unsere Hoffnung und Haltung in die Zeitkapsel.
Möge die festliche Jahreszeit Ihnen Momente der Freude, Entspannung und
des Zusammenseins mit Ihren Liebsten bescheren. Frohe Weihnachten und
einen erfolgreichen Start ins Jahr 2024!
Sebastian Hölzlein (links) & Richard Weller
für das gesamte Alpha IC Team
We would like to thank you for your cooperation and support in 2023. Together, we have made an impact for your projects and our planet.
We conclude with a photo of the laying of the foundation stone for our new company building for Alpha IC and Serthoro GmbH on the Lagarde Campus in Bamberg, which we plan to move into at the beginning of 2025. We are building low-tech and sustainably in the middle of a crisis. Here we are putting small symbols of our hope and attitude into the time capsule.
May the festive season bring you moments of joy, relaxation and togetherness with your loved ones. Merry Christmas and a successful start to 2024!
Sebastian Hölzlein (left) & Richard Weller
for the entire Alpha IC team