Only one week to go, then our consultant colleagues, Andrea Schmidt, Banu Karasu and Daniela Merkenich, will give their presentation at Orgatec in Cologne on Tuesday, 25.10.2022 from 12 to 12.30 p.m.: "New working worlds - Focus on people. With change management, design and sustainability to optimal user comfort."

Banu Karasu will present the "Acitivity Based Working" concept from a best practice at Incyte Biosciences GmbH in Munich as an interior designer in the team. At the newly chosen location, a hybrid working environment was created for the company according to the needs of the employees. Incyte GmbH was thus able to make a successful transition from individual offices to an open, flexible office world. The "Activity Based Working" zoning offers employees the appropriate innovative working environment according to their respective activities. Focus rooms are available for concentrated, confidential work, as are numerous meeting rooms and bunks for collaborative teamwork. The centerpiece is the Social Hub, which employees also helped to design and which is used not only for communal lunches but also for events and meetings.

"Uns ist bei der Gestaltung der Räume nicht nur der Aspekt der Multifunktionalität wichtig, sondern gerade auch die Flächen für Begegnung, gemeinsames Essen und Austausch sind in Zeiten hybrider Arbeitsmodelle umso wichtiger für das Teambuilding", betont Banu Karasu.

„Ein neues Arbeits- und Bürokonzept bringt Veränderungen mit sich. Damit diese Veränderungen inspirieren und keine Angst verursachen, machen wir Betroffene zu Beteiligten“, beschreibt Andrea Schmidt die eigene Herangehensweise bei Kundenprojekten.

That's why the change expert focuses her article on the change and communication management of the work environment team, which accompanies all phases of a project.

Daniela Merkenich will explain that sustainability, especially in view of the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) of the United Nations, has to be lived much further than just using healthy materials in a resource-saving way. As an architect, DGNB auditor, DGNB ESG manager and BREEAM AP, she is also dedicated to the topic of interior certifications.

Nachhaltigkeitsexpertin Daniela Merkenich betont: "Ein nachhaltiges Arbeitsumfeld beinhaltet zahlreiche Aspekte, wie zum Beispiel den thermischen und akustischen Komfort, eine energieffiziente Nutzung oder auch das Angebot von Duschen, wenn ich will, dass meine Beschäftigten mit dem Fahrrad zur Arbeit kommen. Nachhaltig planen heißt eben, bis zu Ende denken. Gut, dass wir uns bei unseren Projekten mit Expertenkolleg:innen aus neun Produktfeldern beim Thema Nachhaltigkeit gegenseitig unterstützen können."

In the Incyte project, a thermal simulation was used to quickly determine and implement the necessary measures together with the landlord and his architect.

"The greatest praise for our work is when employees enjoy working in their new working environment. After all, we all know about the widely proven positive effects of a healthy and inspiring working environment." Thus, the Alpha IC work environment team is pleased with the positive feedback from Incyte about the new office space.

Registration for the workplace congress at Orgatec is here!

And here you can find the Best Practice Video "New Working Worlds for Incyte".

If you unfortunately don't have time to be at Orgatec, please feel free to make a personal appointment with our Arbeitswelt experts:

Banu Karasu,, Telefon: 0151 422 294 43

Andrea Schmidt,, Tel. 0151 422 294 45

Daniela Merkenich,, Tel. 0172/45 84 36 9