The initial situation for the Juraklinikum Scheßlitz requires urgent action in several areas of energy supply: Firstly, a comprehensive refurbishment of the existing systems for generating heat and electricity and for distributing these energies is necessary, as they are outdated and inefficient. Secondly, the new requirements of the amended Building Energy Act (GEG) require adjustments to the energy infrastructure in order to fulfil the legal requirements for energy efficiency and emission reduction. Furthermore, the energy requirements and energy supply must also be reconsidered as part of the planned development of the clinic site and the neighbouring property. Finally, the decision to decommission the existing steam supply makes it necessary to implement alternative heat supply solutions. These factors make rapid and thorough planning and the implementation of measures to modernise and optimise the energy supply of the Juraklinikum Scheßlitz essential. For these reasons, we have decided in favour of the following range of services:


Integration of renewable energies and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions

Optimization of technical operations through centralization of supply systems

Redundant media supply due to the network infrastructure

The supply systems are scalable in the event of changes to the property

Utilization of funding programs


Gemeinnützige Krankenhausgesellschaft des Landkreises Bamberg mbH


Health & Social Affairs

Period of Perfomance

03/2023 - 08/2023


Integration of renewable energies and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions

Optimization of technical operations through centralization of supply systems

Redundant media supply due to the network infrastructure

The supply systems are scalable in the event of changes to the property

Utilization of funding programs


Gemeinnützige Krankenhausgesellschaft des Landkreises Bamberg mbH


Health & Social Affairs

Period of Perfomance

03/2023 - 08/2023

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Based on our value culture, we want to measure and present the impact of our projects.
Our ESG radar visualizes the greatest impact on ESG metrics.

The areas of action that the project has impacted in particular are highlighted.

Matthias Falkenhain

Dipl.-Ing. (TU), TGA planner, SmartScore AP and Senior Consultant at Alpha IC GmbH.

Mobile: +49 (151) 422 294 41