In addition to a comparative analysis of the different concepts of contracting providers (GHG emissions, feasibility, scalability, scope of services), Alpha IC defined the technical and operational requirements as well as the planning, construction and delivery interfaces in a specification sheet in the course of a so-called district supply in Bad Salzhausen, Hesse. Alpha IC's client for this project was the company Adolf Lupp GmbH + Co KG. 


Utility value analysis of different heat pump-based supply concepts (including ice storage, PV-T collectors, cold local heating, booster heat pumps)

Investigation of electricity self-generation via photovoltaics

Development of cluster solutions for heat supply in construction phases

Funding support as part of the federal funding for efficient heating networks (BEW)


Adolf Lupp GmbH + Co. KG


Residential & Hotel

School, education & research

Health & Social Affairs


23.500 sqm

Period of Performance

12/2022 - 11/2023


Utility value analysis of different heat pump-based supply concepts (including ice storage, PV-T collectors, cold local heating, booster heat pumps)

Investigation of electricity self-generation via photovoltaics

Development of cluster solutions for heat supply in construction phases

Funding support as part of the federal funding for efficient heating networks (BEW)


Adolf Lupp GmbH + Co. KG


Residential & Hotel

School, education & research

Health & Social Affairs


23.500 sqm

Period of Performance

12/2022 - 11/2023

In addition, Alpha IC used simulation to conduct a small study on the use of all roof surfaces in the neighbourhood for PV power generation to accompany the project.

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Based on our value culture, we want to measure and present the impact of our projects.
Our ESG radar visualizes the greatest impact on ESG metrics.

The areas of action that the project has impacted in particular are highlighted.

Matthias Falkenhain

Dipl.-Ing. (TU), TGA planner, SmartScore AP and Senior Consultant at Alpha IC GmbH

Mobile: +49 (151) 422 294 41