Alpha Journal

Success Stories and Insides from Real Estate Management

Events ESG & Nachhaltigkeit
2nd gefma Lounge Bavaria-Nuremberg - Presence and live streaming: A...

At a time when the effects of climate change are becoming increasingly noticeable, the need to take active countermeasures is becoming a key concern for local authorities. The...


News ESG & Nachhaltigkeit
Alpha IC veröffentlicht erste Gemeinwohl-Bilanz!

Wir haben eine wunderbare Vision: wir wollen lebenswerte Zukunft mitgestalten. Das bedeutet für uns, gemeinwohlorientiert zu wirtschaften: Mit unseren Beratungsleistungen wollen...

ESG & Nachhaltigkeit
New tool makes EPC rating for non-residential buildings possible

Alpha IC develops tool to assess the energy performance and classification in EPC classes of non-residential buildingsThe Taxonomy Regulation currently offers different...

Events ESG & Nachhaltigkeit
3rd Alpha IC Impulse Workshop on "Sustainable Neighborhood Development

The compact concept of the impulse workshop includes the participation of all participants. The following experts will present their practical impulses on the topic of...

ESG & Nachhaltigkeit
ESG in real estate practice: Roadmap for a new (sustainable) corpor...

Why must there be a change to a sustainable corporate culture? We all feel that the world is currently undergoing major change: We have lived through a pandemic with its...

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